Name: Blue (Japanese ver.), Green (English ver.)
Age: 11 (RGB chapter), 13 (Yellow chapter), 14 (GSC chapter), 16 (FRLG chapter), 17 (Emerald chapter), 19 (HGSS chapter), 20 (ORAS chapter)
Birth date: June 1
Blood type: B
Current Team: Blastoise, Wigglytuff, Clefable, Ditto, Granbull, Nidoqueen
Blue is a sneaky, cunning, intelligent, but also very kind trainer. She often uses her looks to her advantage, but is also a very skilled battler. At the start of her journey, she stole a Squirtle from Professor Oak, and encounters Red and Green many times as she travels Kanto in the RGB chapter.
At the age of five, Blue was kidnapped by Ho-Oh, who was under the command of the Mask of Ice. She was brought to his lair along with other children whom he was going to train to be his faithful servants. Here she met and developed a very close bond with Silver. The two escaped and Blue went to Kanto while Silver went to Johto, so they could gather information on the Mask of Ice, as they still kept in close contact.
Since she was kidnapped by a giant bird at a young age, Blue developed a severe ornithophobia which was only cured at the end of the GSC chapter when she captured the three legendary birds to use against the Mask of Ice.
Professor Oak noted that Blue's special skill is evolving Pokémon, and gave her the name of "Evolver" when she received her Pokédex. Her title is a homophone to Silver's (the "Exchanger") in the Japanese version.
Silver got Blue her current outfit at the beginning of the FRLG chapter.
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