Daiya Irma
Daiya Irma is one of the Processors of the Spearhead Squadron. An elite four-year veteran of the Eastern Battlefront, he has earned the personal codename Black Dog. He and Anju have been in the same squadron since they were conscripted and are close friends.
He is described as someone prone to awkward or uncomfortable situations. In Volume 1, he barges in on the girls bathing in a creek and is promptly attacked by a barrage of thrown objects.
Daiya also has a tactful and compassionate side. He comforts Kurena when she becomes frustrated by the unwanted interference of Lena in the squadron's downtime. Anju also recalls his complimenting her hair while they were in their first squadron, even though he knew she was only growing it out to hide her scars.
(Source: 86 - Eighty Six - Wiki)