Himiko Inaba

Himiko Inaba

伊奈葉 ヒミコ

Age: 13-14
Birthday: May 22
Blood type: O
Height: 148cm
Game Specialty: Farming/Life Simulation
Affiliation: 13th District
Weapon: Flash Grenades

Himiko is usually very sweet, agreeable, and soft-spoken. In sharp and comedic contrast to her forgiving and nurturing disposition, she has no qualms with using force in the form of throwing flash grenades when her peers get into a heated disagreement. She also has no tolerance for those who disrespect "babies" (things that she strongly feels should be nurtured, like animals or food having been carefully grown by farmers). She is quick to take up the opportunity to take care others, and is often shown looking after Makino (along with Zakuro).

Himiko comes from a large family with a single parent. Because she is the oldest child, she is used to doing housework and taking care of her younger siblings, an experience which has contributed to her nurturing nature.

(Source: Wiki)


Naka No Hito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]



Chap 48 [EN]

Naka No Hito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]