Remon Yamano
Age: 17
Class: 3rd Year
Blood Type: O
Birthday: 3/12
Height: 139 cm (4'5")
Weight: 33 kg
A short, third year high school student with a petite appearance and a distinctive voice. She is generally cold towards people, but befriends Ichika when they first meet. She is good at picking locks and can be quite mischievous, such as when she makes the rest of the group drink an alcoholic drink, then records them sleeping. She seems devious, as though everything she does has an ulterior motive. Since she claims to have written a script for Lucas in Hollywood (implying George Lucas), she ends up being the writer for the group's movie. She thinks of Ichika as her best friend. Remon is somewhat sarcastic, usually laughing like "uhuhu," although she is almost always seen smiling.
Although she is 17 years old, it is hinted that she could be much older than what she claims, since in one episode she did claim to be eternally 17. It is also suggested that she probably was once a classmate of Tetsurou's elder sister Minami Ogura.
In episode 12, it is confirmed that she is the high-ranked agent of Japanese branch of "Men in Black."