Seras Victoria
Name: Sera Victoria
Aliases: Police Girl, Draculina, Mignonette, Ms. Victoria, Hellsing's New Trump Card, Kitten
Gender: Female
Age: 19, 49 (Time Skip)
Race: Vampire, Human (Formerly)
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue (Red when enraged or full vampire)
Affiliations: Hellsing Organization, London Metropolitan Police (Former; Firearms Specialist)
Superhuman strength
Superhuman speed/reflexes
Advanced Marksmanship
Shapeshifting (as of Chapter 86)
Superhuman senses
Advanced Combat
Familiar summoning
A policewoman sent to investigate the troubles at Cheddar Village, her squad is killed and she is nearly raped and killed by the mad vampire priest inhabiting the dead village, but is "saved" when Alucard sends a bullet through her to kill the priest. On the verge of death, she allows Alucard to turn her into a vampire, and joins Hellsing as Alucard's minion.
She is reluctant to embrace her new powers at first, but gradually comes to terms with what she is, and eventually discovers her true powers after a certain event.