Tsukune Fukumoto
Childhood friend of Kogami Kii.
10 years ago arc
When Kogami enters her room, he finds disgusting looking drawings of these mahou shoujos in this box she kept, which therefore proves that she has something to do with this whole thing. After she awakes in her fathers hospital, Tsukune's true personality shows as being sadistic, vulgar, and unstable. It's also hinted that she personally killed Sayano's parents and was threatening to do the same to Sayano all throughout high school.
It is revealed that she has an alternate personality named "Asuka" who was behind many of the tragedies throughout the series. While Tsukune also exists, Asuka is an evil personality that resides within her and comes out when she wants to. Tsukune is unable to control Asuka, who is very obsessive towards Kogami.
Tsukune is not entirely human. She is part of a bloodline that began when a human woman made a deal with a demon and bore a half-demon, half-human child. Because of the prosecution of witches during this time, nearly all of them were prosecuted and killed except for the one who would become Tsukune's ancestor. This woman, half-demon and half-human, fell in love with a human man who also loved her and bore a daughter. From that point, they would call their child "Mahou shoujo."
All of the children born from this lineage will always be female.
Tsukune is part of the eight-generation, while her mother is part of the seventh-generation. Those of this bloodline possess different powers, depending on the person, including the ability to regenerate and heal much faster than humans, demonstrated when Tsukune's mother cuts the tip of her finger and shows no wound immediately afterwards.
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