Kishibe Rohan Won't Move

Kishibe Rohan Won't Move

The spin-off focusing on Kishibe Rohan, an eccentric mangaka with the ability to read people's memories, an ability called "Heaven's Door." He seeks out the supernatural to see for himself what his mysterious ability is all about. 1. (At a confessional) 2. 3. (Millionaire Village) 4. (Poaching Reef) 5. (Rohan da Gucci, Rohan goes to Gucci) 1. (Mochizuki Family Moon Viewing) 2. (Monday, Sunshower) 3. 4.
Type: Manga
Status: Publishing
Authors: Araki, Hirohiko
Published: Jun 24, 1997 to ?
Score: 7.69
Views: 13,344

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