Shokyuu Mahou Shika Tsukaezu, Karyoku Ga Tarnai Node Tetteiteki Ni Kougeki Mahou No Kaisuu O Fuya Shite Miru Koto Ni Shimashita

Shokyuu Mahou Shika Tsukaezu, Karyoku Ga Tarnai Node Tetteiteki Ni Kougeki Mahou No Kaisuu O Fuya Shite Miru Koto Ni Shimashita

Sudden "death" when I visited a very ordinary high school student, Thor ... Fortunately or unfortunately, I was reincarnated in another world! The sword that stimulates the man's heart and the skills that he has acquired in the magical world ... An unfortunate rare job "bard" that can only be remembered by beginner magic !? If the quality is impossible, you will win with an overwhelming amount! To survive in this world ... Make the most of your losing skills and be the strongest! The popular different world survival fantasy from "Become a novelist" has begun !!
Type: Manga
Status: Publishing
Published: ?
Score: N/A
Views: 923