Hiro, who worked for a black company, was reincarnated into another world one day after an accident. He was carefully brought up as a boy of a prestigious noble family, but at his coming of age ceremony, he was given an unidentified "unfamiliar" skill... Hiro is banished to a remote territory with no citizens by his disappointed family. But along the way, Hiro's mysterious skill... "Gacha" is activated! The situation changes when he draws a legendary rare divine dragon egg.
This skill is the only possibility I have.
Hiro, who has an out-of-the-box "Gacha" skill and is an unfathomably good-natured person, is now being joined by the legendary divine dragons, ancient dragons, cat-eared warriors, and other powerful lords one after the other! Moreover, the effects of the "Gacha" skill make his friends display an unbelievable strength that rivals the military power of a country...?